Science of whiskey barrels

How does white dog (raw, unaged whiskey) develop it’s array of flavors? A whiskey’s final flavor mostly comes from the way that the distillate interacts with the charred wood barrels. Here are great articles on this subject.

Influence of Oak on Maturation Hyde Whiskey
Influence of Oak on Maturation. Hyde Whiskey. Hibernia Distillers Ltd.


Sugars in whisky. Whisky Science.

Coopering. Whiskey Science. Coopering Part 2. Whisky Science

Cask variations. Whisky Science

Cask Sizes. From Whisky Science.

Rejuvenation of old casks. Whisky Science.

Oaky flavors – where do they come from? Whisky Science

Oak Barrel Chemistry: Techniques, by Daniel Pambianchi

The New Science of Old Whiskey. The Atlantic

What Happens As Decades Pass In A Whiskey Barrel? Popular Science 

The molecular dance: The influence of oak on maturation. Hyde Whiskey

Barreling Ahead: Whiskey-Makers Break Cherished Traditions to Create New Flavors. Scientific American

In 1806, British Science Advises to Store Spirits in Charred Barrels

The Origin of the New Charred Barrel to Age Bourbon – European Science Circa 1800?

Fungus play a vital role in the seasoning of white oak for whiskey barrels.  Of Quercus Alba and Eumycotians. Chuck Cowdery

Adding Caramel E-150. Whisky Science. 

Check this out: Visual and taste changes in unaged parent whiskey after 20 years in two different kinds of oak barrels: Advances in the Ageing Chemistry of Distilled Spirits Matured in Oak Barrels

This infographic is from The Chemistry of Whiskey. Great article if you click the link.
Chemistry-of-Whisky Compound Chemistry

pointing finger

Here you can check out our reviews of  bourbonScotch,  Irish whiskey,  Canadian whiskey,  ryes or flavored whiskys.


  1. […] not much in the way of flavor. Nothing bad – but not much that was good. Usually the whiskey interacts with the charred barrel to develop an array of flavorful organic molecules, but these barrels were likely previously used to the point where they didn’t impart much […]


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